What if…

I’ve been stressed (again) about the house. Why can’t I seem to find time for chores? Am I a bad mom because I don’t implement chores? The other day I had to pick up Luke from the mechanic, where he dropped off his car. After that, I needed to drive Mark to work and then had an appointment with the chiropractor. Once I was home I spent some time helping Jenna with school so she can get through eighth grade before beginning high school.

Later, Luke needed a ride back to the mechanic to pick up his car. I came home and I was STARVING! So, I paused to have lunch. Eventually, Mark needed a ride home from work and then I needed to marinate chicken for dinner the next night. Clearly, I’m a busy mom. Where was there time for chores?

But, what if I wasn’t a bad mom. What if it was God’s will for me to just do what our Lord was asking of me? What if my gift to God was to simply accept the mess and realize eventually I’ll get to it? No one is going to die if the carpet doesn’t get vacuumed. So what if there is clutter? I’ve welcomed these lives from God and I give back to God the clutter they bring with them.

This morning we had First Saturday Mass and a family breakfast. Then Ken and I went down to the city jail to visit our nephew. In addition, we are celebrating a friend’s birthday tonight so there was grocery shopping and a lot of food prep.

I’m just doing what God is asking me to do. Mother Teresa would suggest I do these small things with Big Love. How can I give God BIG LOVE today?


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  1. Sharon Hedman

    I often wonder what my “job” is as wife, mother, homemaker, church volunteer, secular Carmelite. (I “retired” from homeschooling 4 years ago.) What “should” I accomplish everyday? What are my priorities? Prayer time, food on the table, clean clothes. Beyond that? I struggle with my goals for the day.


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